- 학위: 박사
- 연구실 : (I관)제2교수회관 (I513)
- 연락처 : 02-2287-5136
- 세부전공 : 운동생리학
- 박사, 서울대학교 체육교육학과 (세부전공 : 운동생리학), 200602
- 석사, Arizona State Univ. 체육학과 (세부전공 : 운동생리학), 199712
- 학사, 상명대학교 체육학과 (세부전공 : 체육학), 198902
- 편집위원장, 대한운동학회, (2022.01~ )
- 부회장, 대한운동학회, (2018.~ )
- visiting scholar, University of Wisconsin, (2017.~2017.)
- 소장, 스포츠과학연구소, (2017.~ )
- 이사, 한국운동발달협회, (2008.~ )
- 이사, ICHPER SD, (2008.~ )
- 이사, 한국운동생리학회, (2007.~ )
- 상임이사, 한국에어로빅스건강과학협회, (2007.~ )
- post-doc fellow, Stanford University, (2006.~ )
- R&D 연구원, POLAR KOREA, (2000.~2005.)
- Exercise Physiologist, 미국 Shiley Scripps, (1999.~2000.)
- Physical Activity Is Associated with Physical Fitness and Executive Function among School Children in the Jiangxi Region of China, Children, 202312
- Higher levels of physical activity is associated with better walking ability and fall-related fitness of older adults during COVID-19 in China, Journal of Men's Health, 202303
- Role of Professional Kinesiologists for Cancer Patients and Survivors, The Asian Journal of Kinesiology, 202207
- Lack of changes in motor function of the brain in healthy older adults after participation in a cognitive walking program, Journal of Exercise Rehabilitation, 202206
- Association among cognitive function, physical fitness, and health status in older women, Journal of Exercise Rehabilitation, 202202
- The Effects of Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu on Body Composition, Health Fitness, Functional Movement Screening in non-Elite Healthy Young Adults, The Asian Journal of Kinesiology, 202107
- The beneficial effects of cognitive walking program on improving cognitive function and physical fitness in older adults., Healthcare, 202104
- Community-based outdoor walking exercise improved metabolic syndrome risk factors in obese population with intellectual disability, The Korean Society of Living Environmental System, 202006
- Effects of exercise on the body composition and lipid profile of individuals with obesity: a systematic review and Meta-analysis, Journal of Obesity & Metabolic Syndrome, 20191230
- The effects of home-based stair and normal walking exercises on lower extremity functional ability, fall risk factors, and cardiovascular health risk factors in middle-aged older women, Journal of exercise rehabilitation, 201908
- 스텝박스 걷기 및 요부안정화 운동이 만성 요통환자의 기능적움직임, 심부근 단면적, 건강체력에 미치는 영향, 한국사회체육학회지, 201802
- 단기간 Crossfit 운동이 비만 중년 남성의 심혈관질환 위험요인 및 체력에 미치는 영향, 운동학 학술지, 201707
- Excergame system based vision and smart mat for elders to improve balance sense and recognition ability, 한국컴퓨터게임학회논문지, 201612
- The effects of strength exercise and walking on lumbar function, pain level, and body composition in chronic back pain patients, Journal of exercise rehabilitation, 201610
- A study on macronutrient self-selection after acute aerobic exercise in college females, Journal of Physical Therapy Science, 201609
- Electromyography comparison of normal chair-desk system and assistant chair-desk system on fatigue, Journal of Physical Therapy and Science, 201509
- The association of physical activity and colorectal and breast cancer, Journal of Exercise Rehabilitation, 201506
- Trekking exercise promotes cardiovascular health and fitness benefits in older obese women, Journal of Exercsie Rehabilitatiion, 201408
- 공기주입식 카약 보트 운행 시 패들러의 운동수행력, 혈중 피로물질 및 코티졸 비교 분석, 한국생활환경학회지, 201406
- Efficiency of physiological movement and subjective wear sensation of life jacket based on body engineering three-dimensional design method, The ICHPER SD Asia Journal of Research, 201406
- BMI에 따른 성인 여자 프로골프선수의 슬관절과 요부관절 등속성 근력 비교, 운동학 학술지, 201310
- 폐경 후 골감소증 여성에 대한 12주간의 영양교육과 운동 중재 전・후 식품 및 영양소 섭취량 변화와 골밀도 지표 변화와의 관계, 대한지역사회영양학회지, 201306
- 인플레터블 카약보트와 하드셀 카약보트 운행 시 동작수행력, 신체활동 및 운동피로도 비교 분석, 운동학 학술지, 201304
- 태권도 540도 뒤후려차기 동작의 운동역학적 분석, 한국운동역학회지, 201303
- 방과후 체육활동지도자 인력풀 구축방안, 한국운동재활학회지, 201302
- 보행 시 백팩 부하에 따른 시�공간 변인, 몸통과 어깨 근육의 활동성과 피로도, 운동학 학술지, 201301
- 12주간의 수중 복합운동이 비만 여성노인의 혈관성 치매 위험요인에 미치는 영향, 한국스포츠학회, 201212
- The relationship between satisfaction and stress of physical education class among female and male junior high school students who participate in together, 한국스포츠학회, 201209
- 엘리트 카약선수의 카약 에르고미터 동작 시 신체활동 특성 및 등속성 근력 분석, 한국생활환경학회지, 201206
- 뇌졸중 환자의 유병기간 및 발 위치에 따른 일어서기 동작의 특성, 운동학 학술지, 201204
- 비만유형과 근위축비만에 따른 심혈관질환 위험요인 및 oxygen uptake efficiency slope 타당도에 대한 연구, 한국체육과학회지, 201202
- 유산소운동이 비만과 골감소증 여성의 골밀도, 골대사관련 호르몬, 체력에 미치는 영향, 한국사회체육학회지, 201202
- 비만유형과 근위축비만에 따른 심혈관질환 위험요인 및 oxygen uptake efficiency slope 타당도에 대한 연구, 한국체육과학회지, 201202
- Detraining과 Retraining이 만성 뇌경색 편마비 장애인의 보행능력과 최고산소섭취량에 미치는 영향, 체육과학연구, 201112
- Analysis of Biomechanical Difference in Stepping Down in Different Heights, The ICHPER SD Asia Journal of Research, 201012
- BMI 수준에 따른 유산소능력 평가법과 최대산소섭취량 예측 요인 분석, 운동학 학술지, 201010
- 건강한 성인의 심폐지구력 평가를 위한 Oxygen Uptake Efficiency Slope의 타당도, 한국체육과학회지, 201005
- 다양한 운동강도가 유도선수의 뇌혈류 속도, 혈관협착 지수 및 산소섭취량에 미치는 영향, 한국운동재활학회지, 201002
- 12주간 수중보행과 지상보행운동이 편마비 장애인의 보행능력에 미치는 영향, 한국체육학회지, 201001
- ACSM's Guidelines for Exercise Testing and Prescription - 11th , 한미의학, 20220225
- ACSM's Guidelines for exercise testing and prescription, 한미의학, 20180510
- ACSM's exercise management for persons with chronic diseases and disabilities, 한미의학, 20180305
- 비만관리를 위한 운동 매뉴얼, 대한비만학회/한국운동생리학회, 20160831
- 내일의시작은오늘에있다, 상명대학교개교50주년기념사업회, 20151101
- (운동사를 위한) 근력 훈련과 컨디셔닝, 한미의학, 2015
- (운동사를 위한) 퍼스널 트레이닝, 한미의학, 2015
- 건강증진을 위한 신체활동지침서, 대한미디어, 20130826
- 스포츠트레이닝, (주)라이프사이언스, 20130301
- 건강과 웰니스, 영문출판사, 20100122
- 올바른 체중감량 길잡이, 토탈디자인북스, 200512
- physical activity was associated with physical fitness and executive function of school children in china, Korea Academy of Kinesiology, 20231028
- Association between dose-dependent responses of cardiorespiratory fitness and breast cancer mortality: a systemic review and meta-analysis, European College of Sports Science, 20230706
- Association of physical activity level with walking ability and fall-related fitness of the elderly, 대한운동학회, 20221022
- The association of physical performance, health status with cognitive function in healthy elderly women, 대한운동학회, 20211024
- Determining the effects of a cognitive walking program on cognitive function in older adults, Asia Society of Kinesiology, 20210819
- The effects of a cognitive walking program on improving motor function of the brain in older adults, Asia Society of Kinesiology, 20210819
- Tweleve weeks of Jusitsu improved body composition and fitness components in healthy adults, International Conference on Kinesiology, 20201024
- The effects of walking with a stride 10cm wider than the baseline on fitness and blood lipid levels in older individuals: a preliminary study, International Conference on Kinesiology, 20201024
- Relation between walking exercise and cognitive function according to education level and duration among the elderly: a preliminary study, 한국운동재활학회, 20191102
- Walking velocity and cognitive function after walking intervention in elderly women, Asian Society of Kinesiology, 20190810
- The effects of stair and normal walking exercise in lower extremity functional ability and cardiovascular health risk factors in older women, 한국운동재활학회, 20181027
- Walking and core strength exercise improve lumbar frunction, pain, and body composition in overweight patients with chronic lower back pain, ISPAH, 20161118
- Body composition is associated with cardiovascular disease risk factor in adutls with intellectual disabilities, Asia conference on Kinesiology, 20161112
- Effects of Colostrum serum administration on serotonin systheis in the brain during exhaustive exercise in rats, ECSS, 20160709
- Development of step walking exercise program using Natural User Interface and the Micsosoft Kinect to prevent dementia, ECSS, 20160708
- Cancer survivors physical activity and chronic comorbidity conditions, ECSS, 20160707
- The effects of different exercise programs on back pain relief and life quality in chronic back pain patients, 일본체육학회, 20150719
- Physical activity of colon and breast cancer survivors: KNHANES 2008-2011, ACSM, 20150529
- The behavioral mediatiors of the association between depression and BMD in Korean Elder Men, ACSM, 20150527
- 지적장애인의 지역사회 신체활동 프로그램 참여가 대사증후군 관련 위험요인에 미치는 영향, 대한운동사협회, 20150516
- 트레킹운동이 비만여성의 체력요인과 심혈관질환 위험요인에 미치는 효과, 대한운동학회, 20140525
- 중학교 여학생의 신체활동량 및 스마트폰 사용이 건강체력 및 비만에 미치는 영향, 대한운동학회, 20140524
- 수중 복합운동을 병행한 당뇨교육이 노인 제2형 당뇨병환자의 혈당조절과 자기관리행위에 미치는 영향, 한국운동생리학회, 20140412
- Increasing physical activity and improving health, AAHPERD, 20140404
- 카약보트에 따른 운동생리학적 변인의 비교 분석, 대한운동학회, 20140329
- 만성 뇌졸중 환자의 심폐체력과 보행수행력간의 관련성, 대한운동사협회, 20131102
- 폐경후 여성에서 12주간 영양교육과 둘레길 걷기 운동 후 우유 및 유제품 변화와 체지방 감소와의 관계, 대한지역사회영양학회, 20131101
- 12주 둘레길걷기운동이 대사성증후군 위험요인에 미치는 효과, 대한스포츠의학회, 20131027
- The effect of middle school students participation in saturday sports day on ego-resilience and social competence, 일본스포츠교육학회, 20131020
- Body composition is associated with cognitive function and physical activity level in obese older women, 한국체육학회, 20130821
- Analysis of physiological movement efficiency on life jacket based on body engineering 3-dimension design method for water leisure sports, Dalian University of Technology, 20130813
- The relationship between interesting degree of physical class for high school students majored in physical education and self effect of decision on their career paths to school types, Taiwan society for sport pedagogy and Taiwan Body culture society, 20121209
- 골감소증 여성의 12주간의 영양교육과 운동 중재 전 후 식품 및 영양소 섭취 상태와 골밀도지표간의 관계, 대한지역영양학회, 20121109
- Analysis of isokinetic muscular strength and muscle activity on rowing motion in elite kayakers, 대한운동학회, 20120521
- Bone metabolism index is improved by aerobic exercise in postmenopausal osteopenic obese women, 대한운동학회, 20120521
- The differences of cardiorespiratory fitness factors and aerobic capacity by sarcopenic obesity and fat distribution, 한국체육학회, 20110827
- The effects of training cessation by exercise rehabilitation types on gait capacity and recurrent associated factors of ischemic stroke in hemiplegia disabled with ischemic stroke, 대한운동사협회, 20110522
- Analysis of Kinematics and EMG in stepping down in different heights, 대한운동사협회, 20110522
- The effects of aquatic rehabilitation exercise with land rehabilitation exercise on phydical fitness for activities of daily living and range of motion of low limbs in chronic hemiplegia, ICHPER SD Asia, 20110122
- Effects of constraints negotiation on leisure constraints among older adults: focused on the theory of selective optimization and compensation, ICHPER SD Asia, 20110122
- Evaluation of muscle activity between beginner and expert in half Vinyasa, ICHPER SD Asia, 20110122
- 노인 및 비만자의 운동부하검사와 심폐능력 관련 변인 평가, 대한비만학회, 20101113
- 규칙적인 운동참여데 따른 건강지각과 대사증후군 위험도의 관계, 한국체육학회, 20101002
- The effect of aquatic and land exercise therapy on functional gait capacity in hemiplegia disables, 대한운동사협회, 20101002
- The validity of oxygen uptake efficiency slope in Korean, 대한운동사협회, 20100530
- The validity of polar fitness test in Asian population, Norwegian School of Sports Science, 20090627
- 최우수학술상, 한국유산소운동과학회, 201505
- 자랑스러운 운동사상, 대한운동사협회, 201405
- Best Leadership Award, Korean Aerobics Association, 201305
- 중견연구지원, 한국연구재단, (2023.06~ )
- 비대면 스포츠코칭 시장 창출 지원사업, 국민체육진흥공단, (2022.04~2022.12)
- 글로벌연구네트워크, 한국연구재단, (2017.~2020.)
- 스포츠산업기술개발사업, 문화체육관광부, (2015.~2016.)
- 서울시 선데이파크사업, 서울시, (2015.~2015.)
- 스포츠산업기술개발사업, 문화체육관광부, (2011.~2014.)
- 체육학술진흥사업, 국민체육진흥공단, (2010.~2014.)
- 신진교수지원, 한국연구재단, (2010.~2011.05)